Startup Founders: Learn Sales and Storytelling—It’s Basically the Whole Job
When most people think about startups, they imagine building things. Writing code late into the night. Designing sleek interfaces. Solving technical problems that no one’s tackled before.
And that’s true—startups do build.
But if you’re a founder, building is only part of your job. The other part, the one that decides whether your startup grows or flounders, is selling.
Selling gets a bad rap.
It conjures up images of pushy salespeople or slick pitches designed to trick people into buying something they don’t need.
But at its core, selling is about creating a connection. It’s helping someone else see what you see.
And if you’re a founder, that’s your job every day: showing people why what you’re building matters, why it’s worth their time, money, or effort.
The Perpetual Sale
Startups run on sales.
Not just the kind where you convince a customer to buy your product, although that’s important too.
But also the kind where you persuade investors to fund your vision, or talented people to join your team, or partners to take a chance on you.
Every conversation you have as a founder is, in some sense, a sale.
Think about it.
When you’re pitching an investor, you’re selling a future—one that doesn’t exist yet. You’re asking them to believe in your ability to turn an idea into something real.
When you’re hiring, you’re selling the opportunity to be part of something meaningful, even if you can’t offer the salary or stability of a bigger company.
And when you’re talking to customers, you’re selling them on the idea that your solution is better than the status quo.
If you can’t sell, you can’t grow. It’s that simple.
The Power of Storytelling
Sales and storytelling are two sides of the same coin.
Selling is about persuading someone to act, and storytelling is the best tool for persuasion.
A great story makes your startup memorable.
It explains what you’re building in a way that sticks. Investors hear dozens of pitches a week, but they’ll remember the founder who tells a story about how their product solves a real problem.
Customers might not remember your list of features, but they’ll remember the story of how your product made someone’s life easier.
Stories connect us.
They make abstract ideas tangible and human. And the best part? Storytelling is a skill you can learn.
"But I’m Not a Salesperson"
One of the most common objections I hear from founders is, “I’m not good at sales.” They think selling is a talent you’re either born with or not.
But the truth is, sales and storytelling are skills. Like any other skill, you can practice and get better.
Start small.
Practice explaining your product to a friend who knows nothing about it. Watch how they react. Do their eyes light up? Or do they look confused?
Refine your pitch until it clicks.
Pay attention to the words and phrases that resonate.
Then, scale up.
Try pitching investors or customers. Notice what works and what doesn’t. It’s okay to stumble at first. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel.
Why Your Product Won’t Sell Itself
Many founders believe their product will sell itself.
They think, “If we just build something great, people will find it.” But that almost never happens. The world is noisy, and no one is waiting for your product to show up.
Even the best products need a champion—someone who will fight to get them noticed. That someone is you.
And here’s the thing: when you’re good at selling and storytelling, everything else gets easier.
Investors are more likely to fund you. Customers are more likely to buy from you. Employees are more likely to follow you.
Selling isn’t a distraction from your job as a founder. It is your job.
How to Start
If you’re a founder and you want to get better at sales and storytelling, here’s where to begin:
- Know Your Audience. Whether you’re pitching investors, customers, or employees, tailor your message to what they care about. Investors want growth. Customers want solutions. Employees want purpose.
- Focus on the Problem. A good story starts with a problem. Why does your product exist? What pain point does it solve?
- Be Specific. Don’t just say your product is “better.” Show it. Use examples, data, or anecdotes to make your case.
- Practice Relentlessly. Every conversation is a chance to refine your pitch. Pay attention to what works and keep improving.
- Believe in Your Story. If you don’t believe in what you’re building, no one else will. Confidence is contagious.
The Bottom Line
As a founder, you’re always selling.
You’re selling your product, your vision, your team, and yourself. And the best way to sell is by telling a great story.
The good news is, these are skills you can learn. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. And the better you get, the easier everything else becomes.
So don’t wait for your product to sell itself. Start selling.
Start storytelling. It’s basically the whole job.