The Delicate Balance of Learning and Doing in Entrepreneurial Growth Knowledge fills the mind, but creation fuels the soul. For entrepreneurs, the dance between learning and doing sets the rhythm of growth. Let's explore this.
The Power of Reframing Problems Tired of slamming into innovation walls? Stop searching for solutions - you're framing the problem wrong. Reframe and unlock doors to fresh thinking.
The Five So What's Technique I find this is a simple but effective technique reviewing and evaluating problems and solutions.
The Power of the "So What?" Technique for Concise, Compelling Writing "So what?" Stop right there. Asking this simple yet powerful question of each sentence can transform bloated writing into tight, compelling arguments.
How to Use "So What?" to Solve Problems More Effectively Learn how to use the simple question "So what?" to dig deeper into problems, gather relevant information, and develop effective solutions.
How One Freelance Writer Leveraged Her Newsletter to Sell $12,500 in Ebooks Jen's experience shows how small passion projects can generate real money with the right audience and strategy. Her story provides an inspirational case study in monetizing a newsletter.
Ghost CMS and Mailgun Setup Learn how integrating Ghost CMS with Mailgun's email delivery provides a powerful combination for sending newsletters and transactional email. This guide explains Mailgun's pay-as-you-go pricing, and provides step-by-step instructions.
Performing Redirects in Ghost Redirects allow you to restructure URLs, update content, and fix broken links without losing SEO value or breaking existing links. Ghost supports 301 permanent redirects and 302 temporary redirects.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Achieve Your Goals Imposter syndrome is the persistent, internalized feeling of self-doubt and undeserved success that leads high-achievers to undermine themselves, but recognizing it as a shared struggle and focusing on one's strengths and growth is key to overcoming it.
My Biggest Mistake on LinkedIn: Chasing Virality Over Authenticity The article argues that on professional platforms like LinkedIn, rather than chasing viral posts for quick but fleeting validation, we should focus on cultivating an authentic personal brand by creating genuine, value-driven content to build deeper connections and drive sustainable career success.