In this latest Skool tip, we take a look at a highly insightful post from Ted Carr.

As Skool continues to rise in popularity, the strategies outlined by Ted offer a valuable blueprint not just for Skool users, but also for members and admins across similar networks.

This article explores the techniques that have significantly contributed to community growth and engagement on Skool, showcasing how these approaches can be adapted and applied to other platforms for equally impressive results.


Leveraging Skool Discovery effectively can significantly contribute to community growth by attracting new members through strategic content and keyword optimization.

How 50% of my Community Growth is Coming From Skool Discovery... 👀 · Skool Community
Skool Discovery is awesome because it can give you “free leads” if you set up your community correctly. For example: I just created this new bitcoin community
  • Ted Carr shares his success in growing a new Bitcoin community on Skool, attributing 50% of the community's growth to Skool Discovery.
  • He outlines a 6-step strategy for leveraging Skool Discovery to attract new members:
    1. Keyword Research: Ted searched Skool Discovery for popular keywords with low competition that he was knowledgeable about, eventually settling on "Bitcoin."
    2. Community Creation and URL Customization: He created a new Skool community using an affiliate link for monetary benefits and customized the community's URL to enhance discoverability.
    3. Content Development: The community was filled with educational content on Bitcoin, including various classes.
    4. Initial Member Invitation: A few friends were invited to join the community to avoid the appearance of emptiness.
    5. Promotion Through Freebie Funnel: Ted promoted a free playlist of Bitcoin videos on social media, directing people to the community for instant access as a more attractive alternative to waiting for email delivery.
    6. Optimization for Discovery: The community was optimized for Skool Discovery by focusing on the keyword "Bitcoin," leading to 50% of new members discovering the community through Skool Discovery.
  • Ted offers 1-on-1 help for setting up a "Discovery Optimized" community and provides a Black Friday deal for those interested in utilizing his affiliate link.
  • Community feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with members and other Skool users commending Ted's approach and sharing their excitement about the potential of Skool Discovery.
  • The narrative highlights the importance of strategic use of keywords, content creation, and promotional tactics in leveraging platform-specific discovery features to grow online communities.

The Process

Creating and leveraging a Skool community effectively, as detailed by Ted Carr, involves a strategic process that taps into Skool's Discovery feature to maximize community growth. Here's a breakdown of the process and discussion on each step to understand how it can be replicated and optimized for other contexts.

Process Breakdown

Keyword Research and Selection

    • Objective: Identify popular but low-competition keywords related to your niche.
    • Action: Use Skool Discovery or similar tools to search for keywords that match your expertise and have less competition.
    • Discussion: This step is crucial for ensuring visibility in a crowded marketplace. Choosing the right keyword can significantly enhance discoverability by aligning with what potential members are actively searching for.

Community Creation and URL Optimization

    • Objective: Establish a new community with a direct and memorable URL.
    • Action: Create a Skool community, preferably using an affiliate link to earn commissions. Customize the community’s URL to reflect your chosen keyword for easy recall and searchability.
    • Discussion: A straightforward, keyword-rich URL enhances the ease with which users can find and remember your community. This step also emphasizes the importance of early planning to secure desirable URLs before they are taken.

Content Development

    • Objective: Populate the community with valuable and educational content.
    • Action: Create and share in-depth content related to your niche, such as classes, articles, and videos.
    • Discussion: High-quality, engaging content is the backbone of any successful community. It not only attracts members but also encourages active participation and retention.

Initial Member Invitation

    • Objective: Avoid the community appearing empty to early visitors.
    • Action: Invite a select group of friends or acquaintances to join the community.
    • Discussion: An initial user base can help foster discussions and create a welcoming atmosphere for new members. It's also a tactic for social proof, showing prospective members that the community is active.

Promotional Strategy Using a Freebie Funnel

    • Objective: Attract members outside of Skool through an enticing offer.
    • Action: Create a free offer (like a playlist of videos) and promote it on social media, directing users to join the community to access it instantly.
    • Discussion: This marketing strategy leverages the appeal of instant gratification to convert interested individuals into community members, highlighting the importance of a value-first approach in community building.

Optimization for Skool Discovery

    • Objective: Enhance the community’s visibility within Skool.
    • Action: Ensure the community is optimized for discovery through strategic use of keywords and engaging content.
    • Discussion: Continuously optimizing for platform-specific discovery mechanisms can sustain and increase growth over time, making it easier for potential members to find the community.

Feedback and Adaptation

    • Objective: Understand how members are finding your community and adapt strategies accordingly.
    • Action: Ask new members how they discovered the community and use this feedback to refine your approach.
    • Discussion: This step underscores the importance of adaptability and responsive strategy in community management. By understanding member acquisition channels, you can double down on what works and adjust what doesn’t.

Final Thoughts

This process not only provides a blueprint for leveraging Skool Discovery but also offers insights into building and growing online communities in general. The key to success lies in strategic planning, creating valuable content, engaging early users, and continuously optimizing for discovery. Each step requires careful consideration and execution but can lead to significant growth when done correctly.

Hope this was helpful!