Personal projects can be a great way to build your skills, expand your network, and showcase your abilities to potential employers or clients. However, it's easy to get caught up in the idea that these projects need to be elaborate productions that perfectly demonstrate everything you can do. The truth is, keeping it simple with your personal projects can be just as effective, if not more so.

Focus on Solving a Problem

Rather than trying to cram every skill and capability you have into one project, focus on identifying a problem you want to solve or an idea you want to bring to life. The scope of that problem and the intricacy of your solution don't necessarily determine the value of the project.

Pick Something Meaningful to You: Choose a problem that resonates with you personally or professionally. Your passion and insight into the issue will come through, making the project more unique.

Start Small: See where a simple or stripped-down version of your idea can take you. You can always build on it later.

Define the Scope and Solution

Use both words and sketches to define the scope and solution for your project. Don't waste time building wireframes or pixel-perfect designs for personal projects. Sketches should provide enough vague clarification for this stage.

Choose What to Work On

When working on personal projects as a one-person team, choose something you're passionate about and can realistically complete.

Play to Your Strengths: Pick a project that aligns with your skills and interests to set yourself up for success.

Set Feasible Goals: Scope the project so it's achievable given your bandwidth as a solo contributor.

Stay Motivated: Choose a topic you care about enough to put in the extra effort during your free time.

Set Clear, Measurable Goals

Setting clear, measurable goals is key to staying focused on personal projects. Break larger goals down into smaller, trackable tasks.

Define Success: Determine what success looks like and how it will be measured for the project.

Schedule Milestones: Map out milestones over a timeline to visualize progress.

Track Iterations: Note iterations and incremental improvements to demonstrate progress.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Share goals and timelines with others, use productivity apps, and set a fixed schedule to stay accountable.

Find an Accountability Partner: Get feedback and encouragement by sharing plans with someone else.

Use Productivity Tools: Apps can help track goals, milestones and schedules.

Establish a Routine: Set specific days and times to consistently work on projects.

Stay Organized

Keep everything documented, even if a project is on hold. This minimizes anxiety and aids organization.

Document Thoroughly: Note ideas, requirements, designs, bugs, etc. in writing.

Use Task Management Tools: Keep track of next steps, blockers, and progress in an organized system.

Review Frequently: Periodically revisit documentation to stay up-to-speed when resuming work.

Keep it Fun

Choose a project you find enjoyable. Having fun with personal projects boosts motivation.

Do What You Love: Select a topic that aligns with your interests and passions.

Don't Take it Too Seriously: It's ok to be lighthearted. These don't have to feel like work.

Make it Personal: Let your personality shine through in the project theme and execution.

Establish a Schedule

Set a fixed schedule to work on projects. This aids accountability and progress.

Block Off Time: Dedicate specific days/times in your calendar for project work.

Set Recurring Appointments: Schedule repeating sessions, like "Project Time - Saturdays at 9am".

Adjust as Needed: Refine your schedule over time as your needs change.

Take Breaks

Take breaks to stay motivated and avoid burnout. Use focusing techniques to stay on track.

Step Away Regularly: Schedule short breaks into your workflow.

Try Productivity Methods: Leverage tactics like Pomodoro and Eisenhower Matrix.

Know Your Limits: Don't overdo it. Listen to your mind/body when you need a breather.

Execution Over Complexity

How meticulously and thoughtfully you execute a project matters more than how complex it appears on the surface.

Attention to Detail: Small touches like thorough documentation, clean code, or a well-designed interface suggest care and effort, even on simple projects.

Consistent Iteration: Show you can start small and gradually improve a project over multiple iterations. This demonstrates diligence.

Clear Communication: Express yourself clearly throughout the development process via comments, notes, or explanations.

It's About the Process

Personal projects give you a chance to showcase skills and thought processes, not just finished products.

Demonstrate Your Workflow: Document your workflow, experiments, failures and pivots. This provides insight into your approach.

Focus on Transferable Skills: Universal skills like time management, communication and problem-solving still shine, even on smaller scales.

Think Long-Term: Use projects as stepping stones. Starting small can lead to bigger things once you've established your abilities.

So don't be afraid to start simple. As long as you execute conscientiously and demonstrate your talents, small personal projects can make a big impact.

Define the MVP

Define the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for your project. This is the minimum set of features needed for basic functionality that users can utilize. Defining the MVP helps focus on the most critical aspects.

Identify Core Features: Determine the absolute essential features for an early version. Remove nice-to-haves.

Validate with Users: Get feedback from potential users to validate if the MVP solves their needs.

Resist Scope Creep: Stick to the MVP features before adding more. Additional features can come later.

Focus Efforts: Pour your energy into excellently executing the MVP rather than expanding the scope.

Facilitate Learning: The learnings from the MVP can inform the future iterations and features.

Keeping the project scoped to the MVP avoids over-engineering and maximizes the learnings per unit of time invested. It enables validating the core concept quickly and adjusting as needed. Defining and sticking to the MVP is key to remaining focused and advancing personal projects efficiently.